

Last Message

This will be my last post here on my google's blog.
Since my website-provider gives me the opportunity to make a blog inside my own webspace I prefer to post my news inside my own website.
My can follow my blog here:

I hope to 'see' you there.


Aldert Verboom

The Red Deer Rut 2011

The second half of september is usually the time of the Red Deer rut.
And the best place in Holland to watch this spectacular event is at the National Park Hoge Veluwe. And also this year I've been there several times.
Hoping to see the fightings of the Red deer men, the belling and maybe the mating.
Unfortunately the struggling took place into the woods, far out of my sight.
I could only hear the clattering of the antlers.

Nevertheless I had a great time, again, and it gave me a beautiful collection of photographs.
I hope you enjoy it!

HERE you can find the images.

Long-eared Owl

This week my colleague called my and told me that one of his acquaintances had a few Long-eared Owls in the tree in their garden.
The next day when I took a visit there were six (!) owls in that tree. And I had never seen one before.
Unfortunately they were hidden behind the branches and leaves. Only one owl gave me the opportunity to take a few pictures

You can watch those few images HERE

My first Redstart

This week, again, I was in the National Park, Hoge Veluwe, 'shooting' some birds.
I heard from different people that they have seen the Redstart. I have never seen this bird before....untill this week.
This shy little bird was being bothered by a Robin, and several times he took place on the same branch.
After two missed options I benefited the third one.
The Redstart gives me just enough time to take some photographs.

Click HERE for the images

Sweet little cuddly

The last few months I've spent many hours in NP De Hoge Veluwe, photographing birds.
On one place I had my first encounter with this sweet little cuddly-mouse: the Ruddy Vole.

It looks like he has his home under the roots of a tree. Sometimes he takes his change and leaves his safety place to find something to eat. In a rush he goes from one shelter to another, picking up some scattered food.
So cute to watch this sweet little mouse.

You can find all those new pics HERE

Some new birds

The past few weeks I could expand my collection of birds.
One of my great wishes was fulfilled: to see and photograph a hawfinch, one of the most beautiful finches.
I had the time to shoot just one picture, but it was overwhelming. Such a wonderful bird!

The second kind was a wheatear. A common bird, but I had never seen one, until now.

Finally I have a major update of several sections as Nuthatch, Bullfinch, Meadow pipit, Black-tailed Godwit, Great tit, Crested tit, Willow tit, Siskin and Redshank.

You can find all those new pics HERE

Also a minor update of Buzzard, Goosander, Linnet, Egyptian Goose, Tree sparrow, Reed Bunting, Rough-legged Buzzard, Chaffinch, White Wagtail and Coal tit. All those images you will find in the birdgallery itself.

Kingfisher-experience 2011

The last few weeks I have spended several days observing a couple of kingfishers.
It's a place where they were breeding the last years, so I was hoping to see them again. And I did.
The first day I only saw a kingfisher female, but all the other days male and female were present.

Fish-transfer, caress, preparing the nest and even mating. All happens before my eyes.
I took a lot of pictures in wonderful daylight, that emphasized more and more the beauty of this bird.
Until the last day, I was hoping I could take shots of the climax: the mating. Unfortunately, they only mate on places too far away, or the light was to poor. Eventually, on the last day I was only able to make a film of this event.

Click HERE to see the photo's

And click HERE to see the movie of mating kingfishers

Second meeting with the Red Fox

 Yesterday I was spending the day in the Amsterdamse Waterleiding Duinen. A great nature-area south-west of Amsterdam.
I was there before in 2010 and now one of my goals was to look for the Red Fox. And I've found him! A great experience again with this beautiful creature. Because this area is vistited every day by so many people, specially in the weekends, this fox isn't anxious as you would expect.
So, this gave me the opportunity to take a fine collections of photographs.

Click HERE to see the photo's

Hen Harrier

After a short break (and finally had the time to go) I visited a special forage-area in the province of Flevoland.
Here are many birds of prey, including the Hen Harrier.
This was the first time I met this wonderful bird, with his special flight and huntingbehaviour. An intriguing bird of prey!

I was happy to have this experience, even more happy with the pictures it yielded me

Click HERE to see the photo's

Just a little big update

This winterperiod I did more than only watching and 'shooting' the bittern.
Today I have updated many birds, most of them in a wintersetting. Below you see a list of the galleries:

Buzzard - Buizerd
Jay - Gaai
Grey Heron - Blauwe reiger
Great Spotted Woodpecker - Grote bonte specht
Goosander - Grote zaagbek
Marsh Tit - Glanskop
Great Tit - Koolmees
Blue Tit - Pimpelmees
Crested Tit - Kuifmees
Fieldfare - Kramsvogel
Kestrel - Torenvalk
Chaffinch - Vink

Most images are also stored in 'Recently Added'

The Bittern

After a long time, finaly a new update.

First of all I wish everyone a very, very happy new year with love, health and happiness...the most important things of life!

The winterperiod has come to an (temporary?) end, snow and ice are almost gone. This long period of wintertime gives the photographer another opportunities.
One of them is the appearance of the bittern. This beautyful bird usually hides in the reeds. But when the water is frozen the bittern will search for an opening in the frozen surface of the water, an airhole, to catch fish.
To do so he has to come more and more out of the reeds and that gives the opportunity to watch this bird.
I was lucky that another bird-photographer told me a place where about four bitterns are living. So, the day before New Year's Eve I took my change. And not without luck.

You will find the new images in the 'Bittern'-gallery